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Augmented Reality QR Codes in Corporate Product Catalogs

AR Code Tech | 27/11/2023 |

A corporate product catalog is a comprehensive listing of all the products that a company offers to its customers. It is a printed or digital document that provides detailed information about the products, such as their features, specifications, pricing, and availability.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of displaying augmented reality on a corporate product catalog and how companies can effectively implement this technology to enhance the customer experience.

The Importance of AR Display in Product Catalogs and Brochures

corporate product catalog AR Code

A product catalog serves as a reference guide for customers to browse and select products they are interested in purchasing. However, traditional product photos can be limited by size and number, and they do not provide a complete overview of the product. This can make it difficult for customers to fully understand and appreciate the features and benefits of the products on offer. In addition, traditional photos are unable to show products from all angles, which can make it difficult for customers to get a sense of the product's scale or design.

By contrast, displaying augmented reality on a product catalog allows companies to provide customers with a more comprehensive and interactive view of their products. Using AR Codes, companies can easily display virtual 3D models of their products that can be viewed from all angles and at their actual scale.

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Using AR Codes can provide customers with a more accurate and detailed understanding of the products on offer, and can help them make more informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, displaying augmented reality on a product catalog can provide customers with an immersive experience that can lead to increased engagement and a stronger connection with the brand.

Using AR QR Codes to Display Corporate Catalog Products

By displaying augmented reality QR Codes on their corporate product catalog, companies can provide customers with a virtual tour of their products, allowing them to view them in 3D and from all angles. This can be especially useful for products that are difficult to demonstrate or visualize through traditional means, such as complex machinery or large pieces of equipment.

AR 3D Model of plastic modular pipes

Another advantage of using AR QR Codes to display products in augmented reality is that these codes can be printed in a small format, allowing companies to include them in their product catalogs without taking up too much space. This can be especially useful for companies that have a large number of products to showcase, as it allows them to provide customers with a comprehensive overview of their offerings while still keeping the catalog to a manageable size.

When an AR QR Code is scanned with an AR device, it will display a 3D model of the product at its actual scale, providing customers with a more accurate and detailed view of the product.

Tracking and Retargeting Through AR Code Technology

Using AR QR Codes on a product catalog can also help companies track and retarget potential customers through the use of pixel tags from advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or Twitter Ads. The AR Code platform offers a tracking feature that allows companies to see which codes have been scanned and by whom, and this information can be used to retarget customers through these advertising platforms. By placing pixel tags on their AR QR Codes, companies can track which codes are being scanned and by whom, and can use this information to retarget those customers with targeted ads and offers.

AR QR Code tracking retargeting

AR experiences display tracking can help companies more effectively reach potential customers and drive sales, making it a powerful tool for any business looking to take advantage of the opportunities offered by augmented reality technology.


In conclusion, displaying augmented reality on a corporate product catalog can provide customers with a more interactive and immersive experience, allowing them to better understand and appreciate the products on offer. By using AR QR Codes, companies can showcase their products in a more comprehensive way and track customer engagement to improve their marketing efforts. Augmented reality technology is rapidly advancing, and companies that incorporate it into their product catalogs and other marketing materials can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a corporate product catalog?

A corporate product catalog is a comprehensive listing of all the products that a company offers to its customers. It is a printed or digital document that provides detailed information about the products, such as their features, specifications, pricing, and availability.

How can augmented reality benefit product catalogs?

Displaying augmented reality on a product catalog allows companies to provide customers with a more comprehensive and interactive view of their products. Using AR Codes, companies can easily display virtual 3D models of their products that can be viewed from all angles and at their actual scale. This provides customers with a more accurate and detailed understanding of the products on offer, and can help them make more informed purchasing decisions.

How can companies effectively implement augmented reality in their product catalogs?

By displaying augmented reality QR Codes on their corporate product catalog, companies can provide customers with a virtual tour of their products, allowing them to view them in 3D and from all angles. This can be especially useful for products that are difficult to demonstrate or visualize through traditional means, such as complex machinery or large pieces of equipment. AR QR Codes can also be printed in a small format, allowing companies to include them in their product catalogs without taking up too much space.

How can AR technology help companies track and retarget potential customers?

Using AR QR Codes on a product catalog can help companies track and retarget potential customers through the use of pixel tags from advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or Twitter Ads. The AR Code platform offers a tracking feature that allows companies to see which codes have been scanned and by whom, and this information can be used to retarget customers through these advertising platforms.

Why should companies consider incorporating augmented reality into their marketing materials?

Augmented reality technology is rapidly advancing, and companies that incorporate it into their product catalogs and other marketing materials can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Displaying augmented reality on a corporate product catalog can provide customers with a more interactive and immersive experience, allowing them to better understand and appreciate the products on offer. By using AR QR Codes, companies can showcase their products in a more comprehensive way and track customer engagement to improve their marketing efforts.

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