VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to compress / reduce the size of an industrial 3D CAD model with MeshLab and Blender?
Tutorials | 10/05/2024 |
We previously published a tutorial on reducing the file size of 3D models with Blender, which is an effective method for most 3D models, including animated ones. However, for high-definition static CAD models, we offer an alternative approach to achieve optimal results for your final AR render.
Our method supports various 3D CAD file formats, including STL, OBJ, STP, IGS, OFF, GLTF, GLB, WRL, BREP, XBF, PLY, MSH, PNG, LOG, ES, 3DS, QOBJ, PTX, VMI, PTS, APTS, XYZ, PDB, TRI, ASC, TXT, X3D, X3DV, FBX, BRE, DAE, and E57.
Understanding Industrial 3D CAD Models
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) refers to 3D modeling for parts and assemblies in the Industrial & Manufacturing sector. CAD models require high definition for production and are created using dedicated 3D CAD software like Fusion 360 Autodesk, Solidworks, CorelCAD, AutoCAD, Tinkercad, FreeCAD, SketchUp, Solid Edge, Bentley, LibreCAD, SOLVESPACE, BRL-CAD, QCAD, IRONCAD, PTC, CATIA, OpenSCAD, Rhino, and Siemens NX. These models often use dedicated file formats.
Reducing the Size of Industrial 3D Models
Follow our step-by-step guide to create a lighter CAD 3D model for augmented reality display using an AR Code. Begin by reducing the model's vertices directly in the design software if possible. Otherwise, use our recommended method involving CAD Assistant, Meshlab, Blender, and Gimp:
Step 1: Convert Non-Annotated 3D Models with CAD Assistant
CAD Assistant is a free 3D CAD converter for personal and commercial use. Download it from
Import your 3D model into the interface and export it in .OBJ format. This conversion prepares your 3D model for the next step.
Step 2: Decimate Your 3D Model with MeshLab and/or Blender
Decimating a 3D model reduces its vertices, potentially causing a loss of definition. Avoid creating holes in the model's texture by regularly checking the rendering after each decimation. For optimal results, we recommend using both MeshLab and Blender, with MeshLab being particularly useful for very high-definition static models.
Decimation with Blender: (
- Import your 3D file (GLB, GLTF, DAE, ABC, USD, BVH, PLY, STL, FBX, OBJ and X3D only)
- Select the first mesh to decimate
- Decimate as shown below, aiming for under 40,000 faces per mesh. If decimation creates UV holes, try Meshlab decimation first.
- Export your model in *.glb format, selecting "Apply modifiers" but not the "Compress" option.
Decimation with MeshLab: (
- Import your 3D file (ES, 3DS, PLY, STL, OBJ, OFF, QOBJ, PTX, VMI, PTS, APTS, E57, GLTF, GLB, XYZ, PDB, TRI, ASC, TXT, X3D, X3DV, FBX, WRL, BRE, DAE, and E57)
Then, based on the texture, select:
- Textured: Filters > Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction > Simplification: Quadric Edge Collage Decimation (with texture)
- Not textured: Filters > Remeshing, Simplification, and Reconstruction > Simplification: Quadric Edge Collage Decimation
Preserve your model's quality by setting an appropriate number of faces.
Export your 3D model in *.obj format to include any textures.
Step 3: Compress Textures with Gimp
Follow these steps if your model has image textures:
- Import your 3D model into Blender
- Export your 3D model in .gltf + .bin + textures
- Open texture files in GIMP
- Scale images (to 1024x1024 or smaller for higher compression): Image > Scale Image
- Export textures in *.jpg format with a resolution of 90 (or lower for higher compression): File > Export as
- Edit your .gltf file with a text editor, replacing texture formats if needed (e.g., ".png" to ".jpg")
- Save the file
Step 4: Convert Your Model to .GLB for Upload to AR Code
To convert and export your model:
- Import your .gltf model into Blender
- If you have already decimated your model with MeshLab, try adding a Blender decimation as detailed in Step 2.
- Export your model in *.glb format, selecting "Apply modifiers" but not the "Compress" option.
You can now easily upload your 3D model to the AR Code platform.
Enhance Your AR Experience with AR Codes
AR Codes revolutionize how you interact with digital content, providing immersive and interactive experiences across various platforms. From AR Photos and AR Logos to AR Videos and AR Text, our tools offer endless possibilities for engagement and creativity. Try our free trial today and start creating your unique AR experiences.
Video Tutorial: Reduce the Size of a CAD 3D Model
Watch this video to learn how to reduce the size of a 3D model using Blender and Gimp. The video demonstrates each step in the process.
AR Codes' 3D Modeling Tools
AR Codes revolutionize your interaction with digital content, providing immersive and interactive experiences across various platforms with advanced 3D modeling tools. From AR Photos and AR Logos to AR Videos and AR Text, our tools provide limitless opportunities for engagement and creativity. Explore features like AR Portals, 3D File Upload, Object Capture, and AR Face Filters. Try our free trial today and start creating your unique AR experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are industrial 3D CAD models and why are they used?
Industrial 3D CAD models refer to the 3D models created for parts and assemblies used in the industry and manufacturing sector. These models require high definition for production and are designed using specialized 3D CAD software like Fusion 360, Solidworks, AutoCAD, and others. They are used to visualize, plan, and simulate complex products and systems before manufacturing.
How can I convert my 3D model using CAD Assistant?
CAD Assistant is a free 3D CAD converter for personal and commercial use. You can download it from Import your 3D model into the interface and export it in .OBJ format to prepare it for the next step.
What is 3D model decimation and why is it important?
3D model decimation is the process of reducing the number of vertices in a 3D model, which results in a smaller file size. This is important for augmented reality displays as it enables smoother and faster rendering. However, aggressive decimation can cause a loss of definition or texture information, so it's crucial to find the right balance to maintain the model's appearance.
How to compress the textures of a 3D model with Gimp?
To compress the textures of a 3D model with Gimp, first import your 3D model into Blender and export it in .gltf + .bin + textures format. Then, open the texture files in Gimp. Scale the images to 1024x1024 or smaller for higher compression by going to Image > Scale Image. Export the textures in .jpg format with a resolution of 90 (or lower for higher compression) by selecting File > Export As. Finally, edit your .gltf file with a text editor to replace the texture formats if needed (e.g., replace ".png" with ".jpg") and save the file.
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